Statistic WB´s
E: Jori vom Bärnerhof
U: SVCH LP1 LP2 LP3 AP DaleGudbrands Channa ZaLa
Born: 2007 -10 -13
A - kullen | HD | AD | Meriter |
Working Beauty's
Great Attitude "Dundra" |
B | 1 |
1 prize ordinary
test gametracking 1 prize in obedience class 1 1 prize with HP, BOB och BIS-4 in puppy klass |
Working Beauty's
Great Attraction "Brumma" |
A | UA | Mentaly described |
Working Beauty's Great Ability "Eira" |
C | 1 | |
Working Beauty's
Great Affection "Nellie" |
Working Beauty's
Great Ambition "Techno" |
Osteochondros |
E: Doremis Dumle
U: SE VCH LP1 Björnlidens Blixtra
Born: 2012 - 01 - 19
B - kullen | HD | AD | Meriter |
Working Beauty's
Great Bimbo "Bimbo" |
A | 0 | |
Working Beauty's
Great Bitch "Biitch" |
A | 0 |
BOB and BIS -2:nd in speciality show as puppy CK , reserve- CERT |
Working Beauty's Great Babe "Wilda" |
B | 0 | Very good |
Working Beauty's Great Beauty "Wilma" |
B |
Working Beauty's
Great Bumblebee "Vilja" |
Working Beauty's
Great Boss "Ziggy" |
C | 1 | 1 prize with Honourprize, BOB |