The Toller     

     The toller is a very personal dog, that can be stubborn. It is a dog that needs to work to feel good. What kind of work it is doesn´t matter, the important thing is that the tollers get an outlet for the creative energy that they have inside. Hunting, obedience, tracking, gametracking or searching - the toller loves all work and works with pleasure.
A toller that gets the training it needs is in most cases a fantastic family dog, they are playful and loves to play with the children, but at the same time they are calm inside the house.
It is a clever dog that learn things quickly, but they also make use of their smartness for getting advantages, and that can be a bit hard for a new dogowner.
    The toller is independent and strong-willed, but at the same time they loves to work and are positive to almost everything.

It is a retrieving bird dog, that are supposed to "toll", through playing at the beach make the birds come into shooting area, and then they are going to retrieve when the birds are shot. The toller often needs to be trained in being passive when other dogs works. For a dog that is desperately eager to work it is hard to just watch, they want to work themself all the time...
The toller is like the cavalier and the bernese a real life enjoying dog, that really knows how to enjoy life!
                    A toller is not a dog that suites everybody, but with the right owner a toller is a wonderful dog!